The Dead Weather Muse on the Future of Music, Supergroup Wars

November 25th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Rolling Stone recently had a kind of stream-of-consciousness backstage chat with the Dead Weather where Jack White and Co. tackled topics ranging from time travel and geography to the art of picking band names and avoiding being sued (for instance, White insists, the Arctic Monkeys added the “Arctic” to sidestep the legal wrath of the Monkees). We also quizzed the band on who would win in a supergroup slugfest, the Dead Weather or Them Crooked Vultures. Watch White’s response in the video above.

Check out hot live shots of the Dead Weather.

White also spilled some details about the next Dead Weather album, which the band hopes to finish recording in time for their tour of Australia in March 2010. “We’ll probably be having a new album by that time, if we’re lucky. We have a lot of songs cooking right now, we’ve been playing a few of them live, and I’m sure by March the entire 20 or 25 songs will be onstage by then,” White tells Rolling Stone. “We can’t tell you that much about it except that it’s gonna be really expansive, and I use that word loosely in a scientific sense, meaning that I’m just using it to distract you.”

Check out supergroups from Cream to Them Crooked Vultures.

Related Stories:

• Jack White Says Expect a New Dead Weather Disc in Early 2010
• Jack White Turned Down Slash’s Request to Sing on Solo Album
• Jack White Can’t Stop Dancing in Dead Weather’s Second “I Cut Like a Buffalo” Video


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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